Email Marketing

Email campaigns

With higher open rates, more click-throughs, and engaged subscribers

Branded email

Email Marketing is essential for digital strategy

Email marketing is a form of content marketing, Can be used in different ways. Emails can be sent as newsletters or as automated campaigns on a predetermined schedule. It is the best way to create returning customers and keep your brand in front of customers eyes.

An email marketing campaign will use an email marketing service like Mailchimp, sendinblue or constant contact to distribute marketing content to an email list. Emails are professionally-designed and include components such as products,branding, images, videos, and GIFs, and they link to your website, blog, landing pages, and social media.

Why Use Email Marketing?

It’s easy to get distracted by the latest online marketing trend. Whether it’s chatbots, affiliate links or social media influencers, there’s always something new and shiny that promises to be the next big thing.

Want to know what produces reliable and measurable results for your bottom line? Email marketing does. History shows that email marketing converts at a higher rate and more consistently than many other marketing channels.

There are many ways an email marketing strategy can help you accomplish, including growing your audience, driving returning traffic to your website, establishing relationships with your customers and building your brand’s presence.It will increase your sales and lead generation. In fact, companies that leverage email marketing see an average return of $38 for every dollar invested, or an ROI of 3800%. As an E-mail marketing agency AspireCo can provide full E-mail marketing services to your company. AspireCo is one of the leading E-mail marketing agency If you like to have a free 30 min consultation on your email marketing plans click here to schedule a call

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